A place for Christian women.

Going it alone can be tough. Let’s get together.

Going it alone can be tough.

We’re often full-up on multiple fronts (all good things!), working hard, planning for others, getting things done, serving in hard places. But, at the same time, we can feel alone – in our industry, ministry, life-stage, or particular challenges or passion. When we look for opportunities to connect and grow, it can be hard to know where to start.

Let’s get together.

We love Christian women and we’re in awe of the million ways they reach out to our sceptical and hurting world with the love of Jesus. We believe women are absolutely vital to the Church’s witness today. To grow that contribution, we need each other. We need a place to get together. And we need to bring into that place the best development opportunities in a way that works for our lives.

What might happen if Christian women were seriously supported? 

What we offer.

  • We’ve heard from many Christian women that isolation is a significant challenge for them as they serve across different vocations and contexts in the Church, community and the world. Greenhouse Guilds are small groups of Christian women with something in common – they work in the same industry, or have similar key relationships, or are passionate about the same issues, or serve in the same ministries at different churches. They meet

    to support, encourage, and challenge each other to grow and develop as Christian women in the particular spaces in which God has placed them. Guilds are only open to Greenhouse Members.

    Learn more about Greenhouse Guilds

  • Gatherings are taking a different shape in 2025! Keep an eye on the ADM Events Page so you know all about what’s coming up.

    Check out what’s coming up!

  • Looking for some company and gentle accountability while you work away on something? Why not join other Greenhouse Members for our weekly online co-working sessions. We’ll each set a goal at the start, do some quiet work “pomodoros” and then wrap up. An hour-of-power to get something ticked off your to-do list and to connect with The Greenhouse community each week.

  • The Greenhouse offers training across a range of topics, bringing Christian women together with top quality thinkers, trainers, industry professionals and ministry leaders. We’re testing new formats in 2025 to make sure that what we’re offering works best for you!

Meet the Manager of the Greenhouse

Emma Argall

Emma has been a high school teacher for twenty years, working with teenagers in the heart of the city and, more recently, in the beautiful Blue Mountains where she now lives. She is passionate about seeing believers of all ages equipped and empowered to navigate life in this complex world but would possibly be best known to Greenhouse members as that person who keeps nudging them to talk to the young people they love about sex, consent and pornography.

For now, Emma would like to share that “it is so exciting to have the opportunity to serve a community from which I have so profoundly benefitted! I’m looking forward to helping Greenhouse members tap into the rich resources on offer at ADM so that, together, we can be strengthened and emboldened to serve and love people wherever God has placed us.”

In the news

  • "A New Greenhouse for Growing Women"

    Interview with The Gospel Coalition Australia

  • "Dr Katrina Clifford appointed Program Manager of The Greenhouse"

    Anglican Deaconess Ministries

  • "Finding a Home in The Greenhouse"

    Anglican Deaconess Ministries

Don’t miss anything that’s happening in
The Greenhouse.