• When you join a guild, we ask you to commit to it for one year – that you make coming along to the monthly meetings a priority (recognising that life happens, and grace is always available), that you make an effort to connect with your fellow guild members in those meetings and through the group chat between meetings, and that you work hard at being open, generous, and vulnerable, so that genuine relationships can form. At the end of the year, the group may decide it has run its course and dissolve, or choose to continue for another year, or split into two groups and invite new members to each. But whatever happens, we hope that your experience of being in the group will provide you with support, encouragement, and new friends who will continue to walk alongside you in your shared life experiences.

  • We are starting new guilds each February and August, as we have enough members and appropriate coordinators for different themes. If you are interested in joining a guild, the first step is to become a member of the Greenhouse, which you can do here. You’ll then receive an email from us asking you about your guild preferences. Or you can contact Katrina at hello@thegreenhouse.digital for more information.

  • If there’s a guild that looks like a perfect fit for you, email us or fill out the contact form below and we’ll get back to you with an expression of interest form. These forms are all available on our digital platform, so if you’re already a Greenhouse member you’ll find them all there. If you have questions about a guild that you’d like answered before you sign up or express your interest in joining, you can also get in touch via email or the contact form below and we’ll do our best to help.

  • Let us know you’re keen to join a guild by filling out this form. Our priority is starting up guilds that are relevant for Greenhouse members, so if you’re not a member yet, sign up!

  • Membership costs $18/month (or $180 for an annual subscription), and allows The Greenhouse to go from being an idea, to a functioning ministry that genuinely supports Christian women. You’ll be joining a community of like-minded women, and have the opportunity to participate in guilds, as well as other groups, gatherings, trainings and experiences, either at no cost or with a significant discount. If membership fees are a genuine barrier for you, please contact us and we will see what we can do to help.

  • Yes, absolutely! We’re so thrilled to hear that you’re keen to help a Christian woman connect with us here at The Greenhouse as a way of supporting her in her life, work and ministry. To provide a one-year membership (cost $144), please follow this link. Or to set up an ongoing subscription ($12 per month), click here. Once we receive your payment, we’ll send you a code that you can pass on to a friend, family member, woman in your church, or whoever it is you’d like to support, with instructions for them on how to use it to join The Greenhouse. Of course, please do check with them beforehand that they’re keen to become a member.

  • Absolutely not! While our parent organisation, ADM, is explicitly Anglican, The Greenhouse is designed for everyone. If you’re an Australian woman who identifies broadly as evangelical, regardless of your denomination, you’ll absolutely find your people here.

  • Not at all. We hope you’ll attend your guild meetings each month, and connect with your guild members online in between meetings. All the other bits and pieces of membership – gatherings, online coworking, reading groups, professional development – are there for you to attend as they fit your life and your schedule and are valuable to you.

  • Please share them! We can’t promise to do everything, but we want to hear all your ideas. Over the coming months and years we hope to experiment with a range of different options for supporting Christian women, to see what will work best. Please get in touch with Katrina at hello@thegreenhouse.digital, either to share your ideas in an email or to make a time for a chat – she’d love to connect with you in person over coffee or on zoom.

  • It’s a private online space for Greenhouse members to connect with each other. It has an information feed (like Facebook, but without the ads), as well as private discussion spaces for each guild, where guild members can connect with each other between meetings. The digital platform is where you’ll hear first about upcoming gatherings and other training opportunities. To access the digital platform, you can either download an app or access it via a web browser. You’ll receive more information about how it works when you apply for Greenhouse membership.

  • When you sign up for membership, you should receive an email that will direct you to the digital platform. You’ll need to spend a couple of minutes setting up your profile - and then hopefully you’ll spend a few more minutes looking around and introducing yourself!

    To come back to the platform at any time, follow this link.

    Please note: if you are not a member, this link will take you to the membership sign-up page.

    You can also access the digital platform through the iOS and Android apps from your phone or tablet. There’s more information about how to do this here.

  • Yes you can! The Greenhouse is designed to support Christian women everywhere. Our monthly Greenhouse Gatherings are always either online or hybrid, so you can zoom in from wherever you are in the world. Our guilds are tailored to the needs of the members of the guild, so while some will meet in person, many will meet online. And our online digital platform is accessible from anywhere, anytime. But if by chance you sign up and the guild you want to join is only available in person, let us know and we will work hard to coordinate an online guild option for that area as soon as possible. And if it’s really just not working for you, you can cancel your membership anytime, no problems.

  • Yes, you absolutely can! We’d love to stay in touch, and let you know about our upcoming gatherings and masterclasses, new guilds that are starting up, and other new initiatives as The Greenhouse grows. You can sign up for our regular newsletters here.


What more could you want?

Probably much more! We’re just getting started.

Let us know what support you need to be better equipped to serve Christ in the Church, the community and the world. We’re always open to new ideas. To get in touch please call the ADM main office on 1300 896 530 or use the form below.